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Lake Court Apartments sign

About the Lake Court Apartments

The Lake Court Apartments are three adjoining properties located at 2012 43rd Avenue East and 2020 43rd Avenue East, on the shorefront of Lake Washington in the Madison Park neighborhood of Seattle. The distinctive community is on a 1.33-acre lot with 180 feet of waterfront and is comprised of five buildings housing a total of 63 unique units.

The complex has 12 studio units, 46 one-bedroom units and 5 two-bedroom units. The Lake Court Apartments are situated among more modern condominium and apartment buildings. The building is a significant aesthetic feature of the neighborhood due to its courtyard form, landscaping, and stylistic detailing.

Why nominate a Historic Landmark?

Historic landmark designation plays a key role in ensuring the protection and preservation of historically significant buildings, landscapes and sites.

It provides benefits to the community at large, recognizing the importance of the cultural heritage of a particular place.

The Shoremont was the first lakeside apartment community in Seattle and the only location in the vicinity where apartment houses were authorized at the time. This likely indicates that the Shoremont was one of the first apartment communities in Madison Park.

1939 aerial with ferry

1939 Aerial Photograph of Lake Washington Ferry and Madison Beach with Shoremont and Lakecrest Apartments in background

Exterior_Lake Court Courtyard Fountain (2024)

Entrance to Lake Court Apartments main courtyard, 2024

Who are the Friends of Lake Court Apartments?

The Friends of Lake Court Apartments are a group of current tenants, former tenants, Madison Park residents, Seattle residents and other interested parties who love the Lake Court Apartments.

A few previous attempts to nominate The Lake Court Apartments for landmark status were never fully carried out. When tenants realized that the apartments would soon turn 100 years old, a renewed effort was launched in January of 2024.

The Friends of Lake Court Apartments have been consulting with local community and preservation teams to help support our nomination with the City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Historic Preservation Program.

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