The Lake Court Apartments stands alone in that it is the only multi-family housing community in Seattle to be collectively designed by these prominent architects and developers: William J. Bain, Sr., Paul Thiry and Frederick Anhalt.
Each of these men are individually recognized for outstanding achievements and contributions to Seattle architectural design, Pacific Northwestern design and historical significance to our city.
In 2001, SeattleTimes.com listed Anhalt and Thiry as nominated two of the 150 most influential people in Seattle History.
William J. Bain, Sr.
Shoremont 1925 - 1926
Granted first (#1) architecture license granted by the State of Washington (1923)
Camouflage Director for State of Washington in WWII
President of the Washington State Chapter of the American Institute of Architects
Founded NBBJ (still in operation today) with offices in New York, Boston, London, Hong Kong, & other major cities worldwide.

Paul Thiry
Lakecrest 1928 - 1929
Designed Lakecrest while living at Shoremont before he had completed his architecture degree at UW
Principal architect for the 1962 Seattle Worlds Fair; For this he personally designed Washington State Pavilion (Century 21-Washington State Coliseum, NRIS #100002406, Seattle Landmark #125642)
Recognized as “Man of the Year” in 1962 by the Seattle City Council and Seattle Chamber of Commerce
Designed original MOHAI, Frye Art Museum, and St Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church
Served under John F. Kennedy from 1962 – 1964
Known as “the father of modernist architecture in the Pacific Northwest”
Fredrick Anhalt
Anhalt Addition 1952-53
One of Seattle’s most well-known apartment developers
Awarded an honorary membership in the Seattle Chapter of the American Institute of Architects
Anhalt Landmarks:
Anhalt Hall Apartments (1928)
Anhalt Apartments, Roy Street Group (1928)
La Quinta Apartments (1929)
Anhalt Apartments (1931)